Mitchell Tenpenny Among Special Guests On Luke Bryan’s FARM TOUR 2019
July 9, 2019 – This fall Luke Bryan will take a break from his arena and stadium “Sunset Repeat Tour” to set up in the harvest fields of six never-before played farms for the eleventh consecutive Farm Tour 2019. Luke’s guests will include Cole Swindell, Mitchell Tenpenny, the PeachPickers and DJ Rockduring the September 26 to October 5 run.
More than 100,000 fans have attended the tour each year since its inception in 2009. Luke will continue giving back to farmers by awarding college scholarships to students from farming families who are attending local colleges or universities near the tour stops. To date, more than 60 scholarships have been granted.
Bayer is proud to continue their #HeresToTheFarmer campaign. For every hashtag share, Bayer will donate a meal to a hungry American through Feeding America®. Over the past few years, close to 3 million meals have been donated and over $180,000 went to area food banks and local farmers in each of the tour cities. Visit Bayer.us/en/HeresToTheFarmer to learn more.
“Bayer Presents Luke Bryan Farm Tour 2019”
9/26 Marshall, WI Statz Bros. Farm
9/27 Richland, MI Stafford Farms
9/28 Pleasantville, OH Miller Family Farms
10/3 Louisburg, KS MC Farms*
10/4 Douglass, KS Flying B Ranch*
10/5 Norman, OK Adkins Farm*
*The Peach Pickers do not appear
Tickets for “Bayer Presents Luke Bryan Farm Tour 2019” are on sale now at www.lukebryan.com/FarmTour.
The tour is sponsored by Bayer, Sweet Leaf Tea, TRACKER OFF ROAD, Citi and Monster Energy.
Citi is the official presale credit card of FARM TOUR. For more details visit www.citientertainment.com.
Luke has once again partnered with CID Entertainment to offer Harvest Time VIP Experiences throughout the 2019 FARM TOUR. VIP Experiences include a ticket, VIP viewing area access, private restrooms, and merchandise gifts. To view the FARM TOUR VIP Experience details, please visit https://www.cidentertainment.com/events/luke-bryan-farm-tour.